The Duke of DuPage

The article starts off talking about Cronin's evolution from 'renegade outsider' to party leader (gotta like that), but then gets into a number of interesting tidbits.
As DuPage Chairman, bashing Governor Blagojevich is essentially obligatory, and Cronin doesn't disappoint:
I think what's happening now with Governor Blagojevich and the gross receipts tax is a gift. I hope that everybody realizes that this is what happens when you elect Democrats. I gotta say the people who are out there talking about change and the need, I don't know why...When asked about potential Republican gubernatorial candidates, Cronin added:
I guess to people who believe government provides all the answers, Rod Blagojevich is probably their hero. But for those who understand that it's the individual's ability and work ethic and it's commerce and it's business and it's jobs and it's raising taxes through a robust economy, people who understand that view of this world are probably really disillusioned with this governor.
We've got some bright young people coming up. I think that a (Sen.) Chris Radogno or a (Sen.) Bill Brady or (House GOP leader) Tommy Cross, a lot of these guys offer really attractive candidacies...Sometimes I think it's somebody from the business community. I know we saw Ron Gidwitz make a run at it, but maybe the timing wasn't right or maybe his presentation wasn't exactly right. But I think somebody like a Mike Koldyke kind of guy...Maybe a Grant DePorter from Harry Caray's. If he didn't want to be outed as a Republican, and I'm not even suggesting he is. I'm just saying that someone who has taken an unconventional route ought to be considered along with the people that are already in the business of politics.I grew up with Grant, and count him as a very good friend to this day. But I'm guessing that nobody is more surprised to hear his name thrown into the ring than Grant is.
In any event, the interview is pretty interesting and worth a read. Congrats Dan.
*for a Republican :)
Give me Pate any day, but is giant step up from Lee
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