It's Just Not Right
I don't like this one bit. I understand it in light of the business aspect of professional sports, but I still don't like it.

Bricks and ivy have made up most of the outfield walls at Wrigley Field for the last 70 years, but the Cubs will alter the ballpark's famous backdrop for at least the next two years with advertisements on the old green doors.
The Cubs announced a multiyear deal Wednesday with Under Armour, a sports apparel company, agreeing to place its logo and name on the outfield doors. Terms of the agreement were not announced, but the ads will be in place at least through 2008.
I think this is finally an admission, John, that without the supposedly pretty little yard you call a ballfield, your team is worthless. ;)
This is Really not Right....
May be ads will raise enough money for the Cubs to buy their own damned parking lot so we in the 46th Ward can have our park back (referring to the 25-year + renewable lease which allows the Cubs to pay the Park District only $5000 per year to make a 200-car parking lot out of our Park.)
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