Tuesday, June 08, 2010

That's All Folks!

It's been bothering me for a long time that I've let this blog go by the wayside. When I first started it (almost FIVE years ago), I did so because it provided a great format for me to share my thoughts and observations in long-form and to create a format for dialogue on a wide range of topics, political and otherwise. I also believed that it sent a message of accessibility and communication that needed to be amplified between elected officials and the people whom they represent.

I was proud of the conversations that we were able to have on this blog and that it was cited in everything from media articles to political science textbooks as being at the forefront in the changes in political communications. And while the response and readership were great, I eventually realized that there simply weren't enough hours in the day for me to take care of everything else that I needed to and to continue to do this blog in the way that it deserved to be done. The ability to use Facebook and Twitter to reach an even wider audience essentially sealed the deal. And while I no longer share the in-depth viewpoints there that I did here, on a certain level, the interactivity in the short-form formats is even greater.

In any event, and barring something unforeseen, it's time to put this blog on official hiatus. It's been a great run, an experiment that worked better than I could have imagined, and based on what I've been told many times, an inspiration for numerous other elected officials. And while I don't see firing this back up anytime soon, I'll never say never.

Until then, I hope that we'll stay connected via my Facebook page and/or my Twitter account. This blog may go dark but the future's still bright.

- John